Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hunter x Hunter 2011 Review So Far

So Hunter x Hunter has restarted again, and I have to say, it's pretty good. It's about the same as the first version, just with a little changes here and there. The beginning of the first anime was pretty good, so I can't really do any comparisons plot-wise or story-wise yet. Still trying to get used to Killua's new seiyuu and the fact that Hirano Aya voices Menchi is kind of...strange. Whenever Menchi starts talking I get this strange feeling that's like, 'You're Haruhi but not.. what the...' And Hisoka's voice actor changed, and now it sounds a lot more believable. Before, a lot of people were talking about how stupid his voice sounded.

In all, it's pretty good, but I'm not sure where it's heading right now. I hope that it is better than the first anime, though, because, well, it's supposed to be. I'm looking forward to the epic Killua fights, though, and hope they also continue at where the manga left off, because some pretty cool stuff happened in the manga after the anime ended~

Watch it here:

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