Monday, January 9, 2012

Kimi to Boku Episode 12

I am proud to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this anime. I loved episode 12 so much that I ended up downloading it just so that I could watch it over and over again without having to wait for the video to buffer on an anime watching site.

First of all, they introduced yet another character!! The story's definitely moving at a better pace now. Shun's brother is so cool! He's like Kaname, but younger. They're really alike, actually. I'm glad that they finally put another likable character into the series, because Chizuru was seriously getting on my nerves. I almost stopped watching because of his antics.

I'm not sure if there's going to be an actual plot later on, or if it's just going to be an every-episode-has-a-different-story type of anime, like Lucky Star. Either way, I won't mind that much, because it's worth it to see every character star in each different episode.

Favorite characters? Fuyuki and Kaname, of course! I think it's mostly because I have a thing for guys with black hair, but even so, I still think they're awesome; and they're so alike that Fuyuki might even grow up to be just like Kaname. (With the exception of Kaname being in the Student Council, I guess). I hope that this anime will begin to develop even more, and won't end so quickly as some others did.

Kimi To Boku.

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